Tuesday, October 12, 2010

An Update Inbetween Updates

While I'm in the process of working on current projects, I thought I'd update with something fun and relatively recent.  This project was my final for Illustration II last semester and I thoroughly enjoyed doing it because, after all, I do enjoy drawing things -- especially humorously strange things, and also animals with human features (well, that's oddly specific).

(Note: the assignment was to make a zine about whatever we wanted!)

So, fall break is merely a few days away, I am rather enjoying all of my classes this semester, my t-shirts are getting closer and closer to actually being made (exciting!), and life is good!  Hooray!!  :)

Hope everyone else is enjoying themselves too!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Another thing I'm working on this semester is ... t-shirts!
Basically, it all started over the summer during my Birthright trip in Israel.  A friend I met on the trip and I decided that we wanted to make t-shirts out of these funny, profound-sounding quotes that he and another friend were making up throughout the trip.  And it just so happened that, for one of my illustration credits, I signed up for a class called The Lab, where we have to make a product to sell at the MICA Art Market.  So, it was a no brainer that I decided to make these funny, profound-sounding t-shirts.  Thus, I give you - Faux-Losophy Tees

(the tag that will be attached to the t-shirts)

(the t-shirt designs themselves:)

Note: The first design (A Man Without A Face Cannot Grow A Beard), when blown up to actual size, should be in proportion to your face so that when you lift the collar of the shirt the mouth is in proportion to your mouth.

And now that I have the designs, I'm going to start playing around with what colors the shirts will be.  So, hopefully, a post about that will be coming soon.

Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!


Faux-losophy credit goes to: Jesse Grossman and Max Kritzer