Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Old Ladies and Cats Eye Nebulas

It's printmakin' time, so here are the first examples of what I've been doing in my intaglio class this semester.  (I would have included my first lithograph, but I forgot to bring it home to document - I will, though!)  Both prints are from a 6"x8" copper plate etched in ferric chloride.

Stage One:

First time using an aquatint:

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Intro to Print Media

I finally documented some of my prints from last semester and though I might share them with you.  This is just a small collection of some of the ones I liked.  When I get the chance to document more of them, I'll post those too.

 dry point on PVC plate


 dry point on zinc



This semester I'm taking two printmaking classes: lithography and intaglio.  I'm really excited for both and when we finish up our first projects, I'll be sure to post both of those.